My blog has been neglected! It’s been a very long time since I have written a post. I was thinking about that today and feeling a bit guilty about it and thinking it is about time I write something. But what?
I was just looking at the stat page of my blog…the part that only I can see. It tells me how many people have viewed the blog and what links they click on to reach which articles. I can tell how many people have viewed my blog in a given day and what country is represented. I can tell what operating system they are using and what referring site got them to my blog. It’s really amazing the analysis you can do about a blog.
It also tells me which articles are getting the most traffic. By far, my article with the most traffic was the one entitled “A Random Act of Kindness” which was posted on August 25th. Because I wrote about that experience, it helps keep it fresh in my mind. I have to say that each time I go back to that Starbucks, I do remember that someone paid for my order and I often have considered paying for the person behind me in line. But I haven’t done it yet. Maybe now that I have revealed these thoughts, I’ll actually do it next time I’m there.
The second most popular article was a cartoon I posted entitled “Funny Monday” on September 12. Someone must have posted a link to that cartoon, because I got a barrage of hits on it just a couple of days ago. I looked at the cartoon again. It’s cute and funny, but I’m surprised it has generated so much traffic.
My third most popular article was “Yellow Houses with White Picket Fences”. I admit that is one of my personal favorites. Some other folks like it to, because it has continuously gotten traffic since it was posted on July 16.
Other articles have gotten a bit of hits and some none at all.
Oh well, it just goes to show that hit or miss…you never can tell. And perhaps months down the road, a post will all of a sudden become popular.
Such is the world of blogging.
So glad to see you posting again. The intertwined ideas and unique experiences of people, seeing the same world, make that world. Your comments always enrich it, for me.
Thank you Karson, for your kind words. They are always an encouragement and are greatly appreciated.
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