Well, that is IF you don't crash at the sim crossing and IF you actually know how to sail. I've lived here for over 3 years now and I'm still struggling with learning how to sail. I've tried and tried several times, but I just can't seem to figure out how to get the wind in my sails!!
Sometimes I think I just about have it figured out and I get cocky about it. Then just to show who is boss (not me!), I'll go out sailing again full of confidence and then end up in a dead wind zone....and can't seem to move at all.
My friend Karson recently gave me a really cute little sail boat from Trudeau. It's called the Leetle Cat...its really small, adorable and is supposed to be for beginners. I decided that THIS time, I WILL learn how to sail. And this is a beginner boat, so how hard can it be?
Karson gave me some help in the beginning and helped me learn how to move the rudder, how to hop from side to side, and how to move the sail. I know these all have more proper sailing terminology, but remember, I'm not really a sailor. Just a sailor wanna be. I gained some confidence and one day, all by myself I managed to get to the other side of the Blake Sea and all the way home, without crashing.
One thing I didn't mention, is that THIS boat can capsize. Yep...CAPSIZE, turn over...right into the water. The other day I was taking an expert sailor friend for a ride in my new boat....showing off my skills as a sailor. And yes, you guessed it. I capsized the boat in typical Jeanne fashion.
As you can see from the picture, he was not impressed with my abilties. Oh well, back to the drawing board.
Maybe its time to go back to the motorboat! :)
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