Thursday, August 11, 2011

A-Mazing Maze!

The other night I went in search of a certain store. After browsing the store, I stepped outside and decided to explore the sim a bit, since it looked interesting. Little did I know, that it would be hours later before I would emerge!

Among other interesting things there, I saw a ladder going down into a shaft into the ground. It looked curious, so I began my decent down.

Oh a shaft to the ground with a ladder!
 How exciting..let's see what's down here!
Much to my amazement, I ended up in what appeared to be a dungeon-like room. As I looked around, I saw torches to take and carry with you.

Hmm, this appears to be a dungeon.

Taking a torch to help see in the dark, I began to explore. Going down one corridor, led to another and another and soon I discovered that this was a maze. Some corridors were dead ends, others had twists and turns. All the corridors looked alike and soon I discovered I was hopelessly lost in this dungeon maze. 

The torch bearer.

As I roamed around (feeling a bit like Indiana Jones) I discovered secret doors and hidden items to take that would be helpful later while searching through the maze. I found a brick, a key, a crowbar, and a belted sword.

Ready for battle!!
 I won’t tell you how those items were used, so as not to spoil the fun should you decide to explore this on your own. But if you go, be prepared to become frustrated and spend a lot of time there!

Oh no, captured by a spider web.


S0phia Inkpen said...

Oh no! A maze... well... I will have to go and do it.

Love your blog, Jeanne, keep writing!

Jeanne Schimmer said...

Sophia, Thank you for your continued encouragement! If you go to the maze...have fun. And if you figure out how to, er, escape...let me know!