All of us who felt it will have our own story of where we were and what we were doing and how the earth movement made us feel. Someday people will say "remember when?"...and our thoughts will go back to that exact moment.
My story is that I was sitting in my parked car. I began to feel the car move and at first, I thought it might be wind, then I thought it might be a large truck going by, then I thought it might be someone bouncing on the trunk....then I said to myself, "If I was in California, I would say this feels like an earthquake." And after 30 seconds, I said, "This IS an earthquake!!"
I've had some experience with earthquakes, oh yeah! Growing up in Southern California, I have felt more than my share of them. Whenever I go to visit my family there, I am relieved when I am able to leave without experiencing another earthquake. Sometimes I can be sitting on a sofa at my brother's house, and I start to imagine things are moving, when they really aren't.
One thing I have always enjoyed about living on the east coast is the lack of earthquakes. That is...until now. Those quakes finally found me...guess it's time to think about moving on!
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