For instance, this morning on the way to work I drove through my local Starbucks. When I drove up to the window I was told that the lady in the car ahead of me had paid for my order, with the hope that I would pay for the car behind me. What a wonderful surprise...that is, until I discovered that the order behind me was several dollars more than my own. Of course, I paid it. And I wonder what the reaction was of the person in the car behind me when they were told their expensive order had been paid for!
And that's what random acts of kindness are all about. A way to spread some good will to a stranger and perhaps impact their day in a positive way.
The internet is full of ideas and images and words about random acts of kindness. I won't be redundant by copying those here, but you know yourself from personal experience what a difference a kind word, or a smile can make in your day. There are times when you can really be in the slumps and someone will come along and with a spontaneous or planned selfless action that will completely change your day.
I think today I will advocate that we all practice at least one little act of kindness...either to someone randomly...or to someone you know.
I would love to hear about any random acts of kindness you have received...and what the effect was to your outlook.
1 comment:
".. thy will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven"
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