Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Call of the Sea

This past weekend, there was a mermaid convention in Las Vegas. Billed as the largest mermaid gathering in history, this convention pulled in around 800 participants from all over the world. News media covered the event, including NBC and USA Today. Apparently, there is a large mermaid population out there, probably most who have learned to survive somehow out of water the majority of the time. I saw some pictures from the convention and could sense the excitement. Step aside vampires…mermaids are pop culture’s latest rage!

All this mermaid commotion got me thinking about the presence of merfolk in Second Life. I confess to being a part time mermaid myself. It is fun to don my tail and AO, and swim the waters of Second Life. There is a graceful, flowing movement you feel when gliding through the water. It is fun to sneak up on unsuspecting sailors and see their reaction. But mermaids are a discreet species and can be elusive.

There are many places devoted to providing beautiful, secret, underwater swim areas. Unless you purposely look, you might be surprised to find there is a whole underwater culture that is thriving. You might also be surprised that even the Lindens have placed beautiful and unexpected underwater reefs, fishes and shipwrecks in the Linden seas.

Have you ever noticed small black areas on your mini-map when out on Linden water? When you see those, look downward. It usually means there is something of interest to see underwater and the larger the black area on the mini-map, the larger the underwater area is to explore.

So much of our experience is SL is based on fantasy. Why not experience that fantasy as an exotic and beautiful mermaid…complete with long flowing hair and beautiful fins and a tail?

If you would like more information about the mermaid life in Second Life, I suggest you contact the Gold Mermaid, Cynthia Maine, or join the Safe Waters group.

If you have a favorite underwater mermaid area that you would like to share…leave a comment or IM me in world. It would be fun to feature them in a future blog post!


LarryK said...

Great post, Jeanne. Well written, good subject and it taught me something new.

I am proud of you.

Jeanne Schimmer said...

Thank you for your kind comments. You made my day! :)