Monday, August 22, 2011

A Successful Beach Party

Today was the long awaited party on Schimmerland. I had always planned that someday I would have a party there, but it seems I kept delaying it. Finally, I made the arrangements with DJ Cindy Johnsky and the party was held.

When you schedule something like this, there is always the concern that people will have competing things on their schedule and that no one will show up. But I'm happy to report that in this case, although we didn't fill the sim at 20 avatars, the party was well attended and with a good mix of people.

I treasure my friends in SL. These are people I would never know except that SL has brought us together. We have bonded and formed a community and we enjoy being together.

There was a lot of laughter, bantering, good music and dancing. I'll use this post as a public way of thanking Cindy for the excellent job she did DJing and picking out good songs. And no party is complete without people enjoying themselves and expressing it. The party is for and about the people.

So to all my friends...I say thank you!  Thank you for coming and for making my party the success that it was. I love you all!


Chad Deischer said...

Jeanne, What a enjoyable party ! Such great energy …. lots of laughs and great tunes. It was well put together and such a nice tribute to Schimmerland. Thank You !!

Karson said...

Too true, Chad

I love Schimmerland and all the great folks who were at the party. Wouldn't it be awesome to have the kind of spontaneity

Cindy has gotta be the greatest DJ in SL, and Jeanne the best host, and now that she has monkey power (asdo we, thank you).. I'm just gonna come back for another one.

S0phia Inkpen said...

I enjoyed myself too!

Jeanne Schimmer said...

Thanks for the comments! The party was so much fun...and Chad, I have to say that the dance you and Atlantis provided at the end was...simply put...hysterical. I was laughing so hard in real life! Yep, I humbly say it was a pretty good party!! :)