Friday, September 2, 2011

A Non-Tech Switch to Firestorm Viewer

A little while back I heard that support for the Phoenix viewer and other SL version 1 based viewers would be going by the wayside and they would soon be blocked for use by Linden Labs. In other words, I was under the impression I was being forced to switch over to a viewer based on version 2. When I heard that, I panicked! When viewer 2 first came out, I had given it a try, but I really hated it. The thought of being forced to use a viewer based on V2 was, to say the least, upsetting.


But it turns out it I was misinformed!  Here is what Jessica Lyon (the Project Manager for the Phoenix Viewer Development Team) says in the Phoenix blog “…I wanted to take this opportunity to crush a few misconceptions and rumors that have been going around. While it is true that V1 based viewers are nearing the end of their shelf life, this is not because LL will be 'blocking' them. LL will NOT be blocking Phoenix or other V1 viewers. V1 viewers like Phoenix will not be blocked, rather they will begin to break as LL rolls out new features that these viewers cannot accommodate.”

Phoenix viewers will not be able to view mesh content correctly and the mesh will be displayed as completely shapeless. Other new features being released by Linden Labs will be supported in Firestorm, such as body physics, tattoo layers and multiple attachments.

For more information, view the Phoenix/Firestorm blog at:

So I decided to jump in and give Firestorm a try. There is quite a learning curve in going from one type of viewer to another. But I have stuck with it and have not gone back. Why? For me it would have been too difficult to keep switching back and forth between the two viewers. I decided to quit Phoenix 'cold turkey' and there is no looking back. Gotta keep up with progress, you know!

After using this viewer for a couple of months and fumbling my way through, I FINALLY decided to watch the informative YouTube that explains the features and how to use them. Why didn’t I do this in the first place? Who knows! But if you are considering switching, I strongly urge you to watch the video too. Around 11 minutes or so long, you will find it a great help.

After watching this video and going back and changing a few settings, I realize that I have successfully made the transition to Firestorm. I don’t know when I finally accepted the V2 based viewer way of doing things. But as I write this, I realize that, yes, it really does come more naturally to me now.

Would I recommend Firestorm? Yes…but first watch that video. It will make a huge difference in your experience.

Downloads are here: 

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