Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Blogging Woes....yes, already!

When I start a new adventure, I get very excited and nearly obsessive about working on it. So it is with this blog. I have the next article written and the one after that is 1/2 done. So why am I telling you this instead of just posting them?

Because I'm having problems with Blogger. I figured it MUST be me. So I looked for help on the internet and I checked out a Blogger for Dummies book at the library. But every source tells me how to do what I'm already trying to do...but to no avail. The software isn't allowing me to edit a draft post. I posted on the Blogger forum, but I see there are some others who have had the same problem for a few weeks. It must be a random problem, since not everyone has it.

So I'm wondering if I should wait to see if the problem gets resolved or start looking at other blog software on the internet. Thankfully I would only have two posts to recreate. What would you do?

I think I'm going to go look at WordPress.

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