Monday, July 18, 2011

Monday Musings

I’m one week into writing this blog. Along the way, I have learned more about how the formatting works, so the posts are looking a bit nicer now. I have also learned that once I decide on a topic, I really enjoy just letting my thoughts come out.

This morning, I was thinking about a couple of books I own that encourage you to write each day. (The books are “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron, and “Life is a Verb" by Patti Digh). Both books stress the importance of capturing your thoughts as they come forth as a way to tap into the creativity that is inside.

I was also thinking about how we each have the stories of our lives and how those stories are retold, sometimes from generation to generation. If we hold the stories inside us, then it is impossible for them to be retold. In prehistoric times, of course, the stories were told verbally. I wonder if they were remembered correctly in the retelling, or if they were embellished each time so that they became grander and more interesting. Historically, as man created language and learned to write, eventually those stories became written and preserved for the generations to come to read and learn.

I suppose in some ways writing my blog is a bit like that…telling my story for others to hear and giving my thoughts a voice. I like that phrase…I have a voice.

When I was younger, I was very shy and introverted. I used to dream of being able to express myself and of being articulate so that people would listen to me. But I held things inside and only those very close to me had any inkling of the deeper thoughts I had. But as I have matured, I have been able to get some of those thoughts out and when I see the result of some of my writing; it pleases me quite a bit. These are not deep philosophical writings, but they are sharing of myself and the things I ponder.

I think I need to change the ‘byline’ to include the real me and not just the adventures of my avatar. The Jeanne behind the keyboard is pleased that you are taking the time to read this.


Karson said...

Ms Schimmer, you write "I have been able to get some of those thoughts out and when I see the result of some of my writing; it pleases me quite a bit."

Its been my observation that everything that is powerful in the universe, everything that is in essence useful for borrowed influence, its effusive effects bringing other things to better or different conditions, "gives".

To see oneself *giving* is the most splendid validation of health, in my opinion. I recently talked to a parent in Australian who is watching the kids participate in a national dance expression competition. They are quite pumped. Ive gotten closer to these circumstances, and find that the excitement is anchored in the desire to contribute to the team, more than to obtain personal fame.

Whatever form it takes, radiating horizontally, to fellow humanity, is about as good as it gets on this planet. I know you were writing about a blog, and some literary issues, but your message of enlarging the capacity to express sounds a very basic, and thrilling note.

I'm enjoying reading this blog and will continue.

S0phia Inkpen said...

I love your blog, Jeanne.... Still trying to figure out how to comment (if you can believe that... yes, I have not been able to figure that, yet).


Jeanne Schimmer said...

Thank you Karson and SOphia for your kind words. I hope you will continue to watch my blog. Constructive criticism is also welcome!