Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tuesday’s Travels to Bearskin Neck

In my opinion, one of the most interesting sims to visit in SL New England is called Bearskin Neck. Yes, I agree…that’s a curious name! When you visit the sim, look for the sign that explains how the name came about. It turns out there really is a place called Bearskin Neck in Massachusetts! The most prominent feature of this sim is the large red fishing shack on the wharf. Does it look familiar to you? That’s because this is a faithful replica of Motif Number 1, located in real life Rockport, Massachusetts and is the "the most often-painted building in America.” Look for the easel so you can take your turn at painting this building.  In addition to my obsession with yellow houses, I absolutely love red buildings…and this is one of my all time favorites!

Motif #1 in real life Rockport, MA

Motif #2 in Bearskin Neck, SL

There is so much to see on this sim, I don’t know how I can describe it all. Instead of going into a long narrative, I am posting pictures with explanations in the captions. (Try clicking on the pictures to make them larger...I say this hoping it works!)

Find this easel and have a hand at
painting the Motif yourself. :)

A long view of the Motif and beautiful surrounding scenery.

There is a replica of Walden's Cabin in
Walden's Woods, Concord, MA.
This is simply furnished, just like the original.

The water swirling around the rocks is very treacherous.
Watch your footing and don't fall in!

I found a friendly turtle who was willing give me a ride and tour of this and some of the surrounding sims. Of course, turtles do swim slowly, but it was a nice ride, until he got tired of swimming, and landed on a beach.

The secret of the sim's name!

There is a bunny colony that resides on this sim. I was able to sneak up on this little fellow and take his picture. Have you ever seen a strawberry bunny before? I hadn't!!

When exploring Bearskin Neck, if you look closely, you will find little red doors in surprising places. Go ahead...click on a door and it will open up, allowing you access to unexpected non-New England type places.

Most of the little red doors will bring you to this room...where you will find lots of other little red doors. This is the central location on the sim for teleporting around to other spots on the ground or the sky.

A space station is behind one of the little red doors!!

There are even surprising things located underwater...like this collection of steampunk submarines.

Henry David Thoreau said "An abode without birds is like meat without seasoning." Although a vegetarian might not agree, I think there is still merit in that saying, don't you? So it is fitting that this robin was feeding it's young in this nest.

All roads lead to and from Bearskin Neck.

I hope you will come visit Bearskin Neck yourself and wander around to see what hidden treasures await you!



S0phia Inkpen said...

Sounds like a place I ought to visit too at some point!


Jeanne Schimmer said...

SOphia...New England is full of wonderous sims. I hope you'll get a chance to visit many of them!